Now, there are lots kinds of bags in the shops, and these bags are at different prices. Some bags are only worthy of less than one hundred yuan, but some bags (especially the bags with renowned brand, like Gucci, LV, and Chanel, etc.). The renowned-brand bags receive warm welcome among customers (especially the customers at high-end market) by virtue of their high quality, high brand awareness, and delicate design, as well as diverse variety. Among these renowned-brand bags, I like Gucci best due to its high quality, fashionable & creative design, and diverse variety.
1. High quality
Gucci bags are usually made of high-quality materials (like sheepskin, leopard skin, and fox skin, etc.), thus they usually enjoy sound quality. In addition, Gucci bags can resist water. If you wear the bags to go shopping on rainy day, you bags would not be dampened by rain water, and you need not worry that your things will become wet. Furthermore, Gucci bags can be used for a long time, and its service life can lasts for over ten years, with the bags shape & design being not outdated. Due to this, some ordinary girls are pursuing to purchase one Gucci bags, which may be their lifelong dream.
2. Fashionable & creative design
Gucci Company is equipped with lots of prominent & excellent designers, and these designers are renowned in the world. They can use their unique wisdom to design the special & unique bags. Lots of girls or women prefer to purchase Gucci bags, which should be mainly attributed to its fashionable & creative design. Gucci bags can guide the fashion, and it usually allures lots of fashionable customers.
3. Diverse variety
Gucci bags product line is long, and they cover lots of varieties (including hoho bag, shoulder bag, travel bag, etc.). If you want to purchase one bag but you dont know which kind you will prefer to, you must select the appropriate one in Gucci stores, because Gucci has nearly all bag types. In short, if you come in Gucci store, you will not be disappointed. Even the diverse varieties of bags will make you dazzling.
To sum up, I prefer to Gucci bags, and I like them best. I am the loyal fans of Gucci bags, and I have collected lots of Gucci bags at my home. Sometimes, I do not use the bags at all, but I just keep them for its special design.